Monday, September 21, 2015

Blogging- Week 4

The internet is a huge place full of so many resources. Some teachers are great at discovering new technology and others find themselves drowning in every new app and update. There are so many great websites to discover new technology and learn how to use it. Youtube is a great resourse to search new tools, designs and learn how to use it with an instructional video. A lot of times teachers will hear through word of mouth a great new tool, but they will have
no idea how to apply it to their classroom and how to work it themselves.

I feel that the most beneficial resource to discovering what is best in the technology world is blogs. It is so beneficial to follow as many blogs as you can keep up with. Teachers from around the word are blogging about what they they do and don't like in their classroom. They blog about new things that they try and how they use them in their classroom. It is such an easy way to bounce ideas off with other teachers in the same boat as you.

The creators of the technology, apps, devices, and programs have blogs as well. They blog about specifics in how to use the tools, what to use them for, and the reviews of whether or not it was successful. I follow and read blogs now and I will until the day I die. Blogs are such a great way to get informed in a relatable fun manor. 

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