Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Technology Tool #1 Lexia Core 5

Lexia Core 5 is a technology tool that can be accessed through a website, or an iPad app. It can be downloaded though the App Store and is simple to get started. Students will need a k-12 email or log-in to be able to discover the app.

The purpose of Lexia Core 5 is to easily build a solid foundation in reading. Students will be able to work through each standard at their own pace. The app is student centered but the teacher has options to become more involved as well. The teacher can see each of his/her students from the admin account and will be able to easily assess his/her students. It is very interactive and fun for students. The app takes many different approaches to learning so it tends for students of all needs. It is nice for learning at different paces because excelling students can move on to more challenging lessons while struggling students can remain at a certain lesson until they get it as well as trying new methods to maintain a concept.

Lexia Core 5 is very simple to navigate. Students get an individual iPad from a classroom set, open up the Lexia Core 5 app and sign in. They should have a short username and password set up. They will be brought to a screen that shows grade levels and standards. They can choose where they want to start, or the teacher can pre determine where he/she wants the students to start. After they have decided on where to start, the students will be taken through the entire program slowly. One activity leads to another.  When they get past a level, Lexia Core 5 will take them to a new ‘country’. Students love this aspect of Lexia Core5. It makes them feel accomplished and they get to explore some things about a new country. They are always so excited to say “Look!! I am in Spain now!”

Lexia Core 5 is great for kindergarten-6th grade. There are activities for a wide age range with the ability to go up or down if there is a learning disability. Lexia Core 5 can be used to teach reading, writing, grammar and literacy in the classroom as a lesson in place of the teacher lecturing. Lexia Core 5 can also be used as a tool to be used in free time. If students finish a project early, they can grab an iPad and work on some reading strategies. Lexia Core5 could be used as an incentive program that provides rewards. If the teacher sees a student spending a lot of time using Lexia Core 5, or if they see a student excelling on levels, or just trying their best, the teacher could recognize that student and give him/her a small prize.

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