Friday, September 4, 2015

Teaching above the Line

Teaching above the line is always a goal to shoot for when teaching. Using SAMR (substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition) makes it easier to reach that goal. SAMR is a great way to get teacher's brains thinking about the next steps that can be taken to make their lesson better. Using any of the four levels of SAMR will help teachers redesign lessons to make them more fitting into the growing future. Technology is moving so fast that it is almost impossible to keep up with but SAMR will hopefully give you the push to keep moving. 

SAMR is best used during the creation of the lesson plan and thinking process. It is used to better a lesson and rebuild it to the best it can be. After the lesson is completed using SAMR, that is when students can view it and work on it as assigned. 

The tool I decided to focus on is an app called Lexia Core5. Lexia is an interactive reading program filled with standards based activities for pre-kindergarden through fifth grade. It is a tool where teachers can assess and track where students are as they move through levels. Teachers can easily see if students are struggling or excelling. 

The difference between SAMR and Lexia core5 is that Lexia is a high level of technology. Using SAMR, teachers could break Lexia down to a smaller less powerful tool, or they could think of ways to redefine it. There are many ways teachers could use SAMR with Lexia to change the way of the app.
Both SAMR and Lexia Core 5 will benefit me as a teacher in different ways. I believe that Lexia will help to benefit my students as they learn reading. It is an interactive fun way that makes students want to learn. SAMR will help me turn paper/pencil assignments into creations similar to Lexia.

SAMR relates to TPACK because it is important to be aware of all technology. Teachers need to have a general understanding of technology and how it works to help them to be a better teacher for their students. With the help of TPACK, teachers will be able to easily use apps and programs similar to Lexia Core5.

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