Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Google Hangout Interviews

Google Hangout is a great way to conversate with multiple people from across the world. I have never used Google Hangout before this class, and I am thoroughly impressed. Through this app, I was able to witness three great professionals tell their stories. 
The role I found most interesting was Lance Lennon's. He works as an event coordinator for ITEC as well as a technology position in the Eagle Grove School District. I could see myself in his position for many reasons. I love event management and planning events. I think it would be a ton of fun to plan a technology event for educators. I am also intrigued with his school location, because that is something I eventually see myself doing someday. I have always said that I want to start out as a teacher and someday become an administrator of some sort. His job sounds very upbeat, and interactive. I noticed that he gets to make some big decisions for the school and is very passionate about what he does.
I saw many repeated themes through these professional interviews. I noticed that most professionals in technology in education started off as teachers. Most of them started off in a classroom, strayed away, and ended up wanting to be back in the school. I noticed most professionals are heavily involved in social media and helping out students. 
Watching these videos taught me a lot. I realized that there are so many different professions and opportunities out there. I realized that it is okay to not be satisfied with a job and move around until you find your true passion. Most of all, I realized that there are so many people who care and are willing to help around me. 

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