Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Final Blog

Reflecting on my IGNITE presentation, I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned that my number on priority when I am a teacher will be my students. I want to be the positive role model and mentor in their life that makes a difference. I want them leaving my classroom feeling prepared and confident for their future. 
Listening to my classmate's IGNITE presentations, I learned that they are very similar to me. Many of them had their students as their main focus and will do anything to help them succeed. I found many things in other presentations that I could easily add to my IGNITE project as well. Many of my classmates and I have similar goals and beliefs in the professional field. 
I learned many things in CI 302 that will help me succeed in my future. It was helpful to watch demonstrations of the 3D printer and other devises in the CTLT. It was also interesting to hear professionals in the learning technologies field talk about their everyday life and careers through Google Hangout. Learning about the new uprising digital tools is fun and innovative. I will try to incorporate as many useful digital tools in my future classroom, so seeing a variety of tools was helpful to know what would and wouldn't work in my classroom. 
CI 302 was helpful in many ways for me, because the digital technology in schools will double by the time I am a teacher. I will be expected to know how to use each tool, and I will be expected to utilize them. My goal is to try and use each tool efficiently and to incorporate digital tools into my lessons.

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