Friday, October 23, 2015

Week 9 Blog - Tech Review Presentations

The first 'trial run' tech review for the 302 class was a very dry run. I presented my information for the first time, and did not know how it would flow. Overall, it went well and I got some great feedback. I changed the order of my slides to better my presentation and gave it all over again to the 302 and 456 class. This time there were double the people listening to what I had to say. Right as I started, I felt confident because I was very aware with my tool I was presenting. I am also very passionate about Socrative and strongly think it would benefit every person in that room's classroom someday. It started to feel like an informational sales pitch, which wasn't a bad thing.  

I got great feedback from the 456 class, and by the looks of it they all commented that they would love to use Socrative in their classrooms- success! If I was allotted more time to present, I would include examples of the teacher's side as well as the student's side. I would demonstrate how to add in a question with all of the different features and have it pushed out to the students. If I had all the time in the world, I would have all of the audience go to to answer a question of mine, and they could watch the results come in on my screen.

   I can see IGNITE presentations playing a huge role in my future profession career because so many people have so much information, but there is never enough time for everyone to share. By having a time and slide limit, the audience is getting a fair look at what everyone brings to the table and the presenters get a fair chance to display their information as well. This plays a huge role in schools with new devices, curriculum, ideas, and opportunities that IGNITE presentations would work very well.

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