Thursday, November 5, 2015

Educational Twitter

The Twitter world has many different sides. It has the social media side where all age ranges tweet comments, life changes, connections, and photographs. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Twitter is used for professional development as well. Businesses use Twitter to promote, advertise, and inform. Professionals use Twitter to communicate, recognize, and inform. Schools use twitter to communicate, educate, and reward.

Creating a professional Twitter has many advantages. By creating a professional Twitter for myself, I am now able to follow multiple Twitter chats, professional tweeters, and I am able to access an abundance of educational tools and materials.

The educators and accounts I have decided to follow will be very helpful for my future classroom. Through a few days of scrolling through tweets, accounts, and live chats, I have learned so much. I have taken notes on things that I need to bring to my future classroom as well as notes to give my cooperating teachers to better their classroom.

I plan to use my professional Twitter account to connect with other educators world wide. I plan to collaborate with them about classroom plans and lessons. I also plan to use Twitter to connect my students with students across the world.

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